Theoretical High Energy Physics Group
This is the homepage of the Theoretical High Energy Physics group founded by researchers from the Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción and the Politecnico di Torino.
Currently there is a broad consensus that the unification of the four fundamental interactions of nature requires going beyond Einstein’s theory of General Relativity (GR). Einstein’s theory has successfully described the gravitational phenomena that we know and has important astrophysical implications. Remarkably, it predicts the existence of Black Holes, regions in which the spacetime is distorted in such a way that even light cannot escape from it. GR also predicts gravitational waves, which are ripples in space-time that propagate at the speed of light, transmitting changes in its curvature. Although general relativity successfully describes most of the gravitational phenomena that have been observed so far, it turns out to be incompatible with the description of the microscopic world characterized by quantum mechanics and in the explanation of the general composition of the universe. An attractive way to try to solve this inconsistency is string theory, which in turn requires supersymmetry, a kind of symmetry that relates bosons to fermions and under which the laws of nature are expected to be invariant at least up to a certain energy scale. The low energy limit of string theory is known as supergravity, which is a supersymmetric extension of GR.
In the last decades, one of the most considered approaches
to understand the relationship between gravity and quantum
field theories has been the AdS/CFT conjecture, which was
originally conceived in the context of ten-dimensional
superstring theory. Such correspondence has been
subsequently extended to more general cases, connecting
different asymptotically anti de sitter geometries with a great
diversity of quantum systems, in particular in condensed
matter theories.
Our research activity is focused on the construction of
different extended (super)gravity models which could
describe our Universe, and the analysis of different physical
aspects, such as its solutions and
thermodynamics, its stability, asymptotic symmetries, non-
relativistic limits, and in some cases applications of these
analysis in the context of holography. Thus, our research
group aims to join efforts to contribute to the construction of
a hitherto unknown final theory of quantum gravity.
Members and Collaborators
Members and Collaborators
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More informationPhD and Master students
PhD and Master students
More informationRESEARCH
The THEP group conducts research on the theoretical frontiers of High Energy Physics. The theoretical research deals with the fundamental interactions of nature addressing questions about matter and energy.
04 – 08 |
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March 2024 |
UTA, UCSC, UdeC & UTalca 2024: School and Workshop on theoretical gravity and related topics.
Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción & Universidad de Concepción
23 – 25 |
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January 2023 |
Workshop on Theoretical High Energy Physics 2023
07 – 10 |
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March 2022 |